Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

make a use of vitamin b12

Make A Use Of Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is one of the eight
vitamins in the B complex. The
human body assimilates it from
dairy products, eggs and meat, and
there are few vegetable food
sources for it. Scientists report that
some seaweed and an alga like
spirulina contain very high amounts
of this nutrition element.
What it serves for!
Vitamin B12 has a major function in
the red blood cells production and
the maintenance of the nervous
system. This vitamine contributes
to the rapid cellular division and the
synthesis of DNA. Children and
adults depend on it for good health.
As for the aid it provides to the
nervous system, it helps to the
metabolism of fatty acids, which
play a crucial role to the
maintenance of myelin.
Vitamin B12 deficiency
The body can store small amounts
of this vitaminic element, most of it
in the liver. The bile excretes and
reabsorbs it into a circuit that is
known as enterohepatic circulation.
If you don't get enough of this
vitaminic element from your diet,
you are likely to develop anemia
or neurological problems, although
problems can appear within twenty
years from the switch to a B12-
deficient diet.
Deficiencies are more common with
vegans and vegetarians and
symptoms may include anemia
with excessive tiredness, poor
immune function, pallor, menstrual
disorders and breathlessness.
Prolonged deficiency of vitamin
B12 can also lead to permanent
neurological damage.
Balance your diet!
Meat, eggs and dairy products are
the most important sources of B12
vitamin. Nevertheless, mention
must be made that yogurt
fermentation or milk boiling could
destroy this vitamin. As for
vegetable sources, there is not
sufficient data to support the use of
spirulina as a dietary supplement to
compensate for this vitaminic
element diet deficiency.
There are studies that suggest that
spirulina contains B12 analogues,
which are compounds with a similar
structure to B12. Scientists do not
know whether these analogues are
good or bad, but there are chances
for these substances to compete
with the real vitamin B12 and
actually inhibit its metabolism. This
means that on the long run, a B12
vegetal supplement could do more
harm than good.
Special mentions!
Nutritionists have reached a
consensus that no vegetal sources
for vitamin B12 are reliable, and
therefore vegans and vegetarians
are advised to consume foods
fortified with it. Fortification applies
to yeast extracts, soya milks,
breakfast cereals, vegetable and
sunflower margarines.
Pregnant women do not have
special needs for vitamin B12, while
nursing mothers require a higher
daily intake because of the
lactation. There is no toxicity
associated with higher vitaminic
element intakes.

personality disorders

Personality disorders are chronic
patterns of behavior that cause
lasting problems with work and
relationships. Paranoid personality
disorder can result from negative
childhood experiences fostered by
a threatening domestic
atmosphere. Narcissistic personality
disorder may be an infantile,
defensive personality structure in
response to abuse and trauma,
usually developing in early
childhood or early adolescence.
Childhood developmental factors
and parenting behaviors that may
contribute to the disorder:
Narcissistic personality disorder,
which is less common than other
personality disorders, is estimated
to affect less than 1 percent of the
general population. Narcissistic
personality disorder may be a
maladaptive defense of the abused
child's or adolescent's emotional
splitting, resultant cognitive
distortions, and negative/hostile
Causes of Paranoid Personality
DisorderParanoid Personality
Disorder, paranoid personality
disorder symptoms, paranoid
personality disorder causes,
personality disorder paranoid,
schizoid personality disorder
Common Causes and Risk factors of
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Genetic contribution.
If you are in a relationship with a
person that exhibits some of these
symptoms, it is important to
remember that there is help
available. In a relationship, people
with pathological jealousy in
paranoid personality disorder will
often accuse their significant other
of cheating or other suspicious
activity. The accusations can be set
off by the smallest event or it can
be totally unprovoked. When this
happens, it is vital to consider the
fact that this condition is something
that affects the brain and might not
necessarily represent that person's
true identity.
Most people with this illness have
periodic episodes, called relapses,
when their symptoms surface.
Many individuals with
schizoaffective disorder are
originally diagnosed with manic
depression. Schizoaffective disorder
is more common in women than in
men. Men with schizoaffective
disorder tend to exhibit antisocial
traits and behavior in contrast to
other personality traits. In addition,
the age of onset is later for women
than for men, and the exact
etiology and epidemiology is
unclear because of limited research
in this area. Estimates of the
prevalence of schizoaffective
disorder vary widely, but
schizoaffective manic patients
appear to comprise 3-5% of
psychiatric admissions to typical
clinical centers.
Symptoms of paranoid personality
disorders include:
'¢ Emotional detachment;
'¢ Feelings of anger toward others;
'¢ Believing that people are trying
to harm you in some way;
Most personality disordered people
are prone to be angry. Their anger
is always sudden, raging,
frightening and without an
apparent provocation by an
outside agent. It would seem that
people suffering from personality
disorders are in a CONSTANT state
of anger, which is effectively
suppressed most of the time. It
manifests itself only when the
person's defences are down,
incapacitated, or adversely
affected by circumstances, inner or
We have pointed at the
psychodynamic source of this
permanent, bottled-up anger,
elsewhere in this book. In a
nutshell, the patient was, usually,
unable to express anger and direct
it at "forbidden" targets in his early,
formative years (his parents, in
most cases). The anger, however,
was a justified reaction to abuses
and mistreatment. The patient was,
therefore, left to nurture a sense of
profound injustice and frustrated
Family therapy can significantly
decrease relapse rates for the
schizoaffective family member. In
high-stress families, schizophenic
patients given standard aftercare
relapse 50-60% of the time in the
first year out of hospital.
Supportive family therapy can
reduce this relapse rate to below 10

What You Need To Know AboutDebt Settlement

If you have more credit cards than
you know how to manage, you
may feel like your only option is
bankruptcy. One thing you might
consider before filing for
bankruptcy, is whether debt
settlement is a good option for you.
So, you may wonder why credit
card companies are willing to
accept less than what they are
owed. The reason is that they may
see that you are in financial trouble
and could eventually file for
bankruptcy. Most companies are
willing to accept a settlement on
your account if you call and make
an offer. They understand that it
would be better for them to collect
a lump sum payment from you
rather than let you file for
bankruptcy and never collect at all.
Credit cards are unsecured debt, so
if a person files for bankruptcy, the
credit card debt is erased and credit
card companies have no chance of
Credit card debt settlement can be
beneficial to a person who has
fallen behind and feels that they
will never be able to pay the debt
off. Settling debt will stop harassing
collection calls. This will give you
peace of mind. You can begin
rebuilding your credit. While debt
settlement does hurt your credit
score, it is a much better
alternative than filing for
bankruptcy. Secured credit cards
are a great way to reestablish
credit. You will then need to make
wiser credit choices than you
previously had. The key point is
that with credit card debt
settlement, you are not necessarily
starting from scratch. You have
credit history and have shown a
willingness to settle your debts.
Although there are benefits to
credit card debt settlement, there
are also negative effects as well.
Your credit file will reflect that your
account was settled for less than
the full balance owed. Future
creditors may look at this and be
reluctant to extend credit to you as
they may also have to settle a
debt with you in the future. So,
debt settlement can lead to making
it harder for you to obtain credit in
the future.
You need to consider very carefully
whether this is the best choice for

Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Fap Turbo Reviews: Fap Turbo Software Worth The Price?

FAP Turbo has earned a solid reputation as a forex robot choice for traders. Why? Because it has real, proven results from live accounts, a forum full of customer feedback and testimonials, and a user-friendly interface that is easy to learn even if you've never used forex robot software before. The question is, can a forex robot like FAP Turbo really help you, or is it not worth the price and hassle of learning the software?

If you are a serious forex trader and you own multiple accounts or find yourself spending several hours a day doing manual trades, FAP Turbo can be of help. This robot software essentially does all the trading for you once you set up the same parameters you use in your normal trading. FAP Turbo also includes demo account options that let you do test trades so you aren't initially risking any real money while you learn to use the robot.

FAP Turbo has a 95% accuracy rate, and the developers are continually tweaking and testing the software to improve it. This means that if you use a solid, proven trading strategy when you set up the robot for your trades, you stand a 95% chance of making money with it. The software itself is one of the most accurate robots on the market; however, it won't work if you don't use a good strategy. That's why it's important to know something about the forex market and good trading before you invest in it. Don't expect to just buy the software and make successful trades if you know nothing about forex trading. It's also a good idea to read a few unbiased FAP Turbo reviews before investing in the software to hear what other traders have experienced.

If you know nothing about forex but still want to develop an autopilot money-making system with it, FAP Turbo can help - but after you've taken the time to learn a little about forex trading. There are plenty of online forums and discussion groups that can teach you everything you know to trade effectively. Make sure you at least know a little about how the forex market works before you invest in any kind of robot software.

source : readbud.com

Three Things To Look For When Choosing Auto Forex Software

Both beginners and experts in the Forex market know that finding the best automated forex trading system is critically important to their long term success at a Forex trader. There is plenty of auto Forex software available, but it is not all created equal. Some programs are excellent, and some are worse than worthless. A bad program will lose you money and cause you great frustration. So you need to carefully choose a software program for your Forex trading that will make the best decisions and net you the most money in the long run. Here are three top tips on choosing your Forex software.

First, the program that you choose for your Forex trading robot should be accurate. Search for the best auto Forex system that has the highest rate of success. Choose one that is known to make predictions with the highest degree of accuracy. Also make sure that the software is updated regularly to take into account the ever changing market fluctuations. Some programs are updated never or rarely and some are updated daily! Especially if you are brand new or know you will never have time to tend to your trades, avoid software that will expect you to make the decisions or that will give you trading signals and expect you to manually make the trade. If you go the route of using a Forex robot, you want to be able to depend on it totally. That is the point, isn't it?

Next, the auto Forex software should be easy to use. Check out how simple the installation is, how long it takes, and how much interaction is required from you. Some programs boast they can be installed in less than five minutes! Never choose a program that is very complicated to install. That often means it won't be easy to maintain or troubleshoot either. Your software should be simple, easy to use, and should not require too much of a time investment. And every minute your system is down, is time it isn't making money for you. Time translates to money, and the point is to make money as fast as possible with as little time invested as possible.

Finally, be sure to take full advantage of the auto Forex software that you have purchased. You will need to spend a little time initially to understand and use all of its functions to increase your profit. The program that you select should allow for full auto trading. You can set your preferences, allow the auto trading to start, and you will never have to step in and make decisions unless you wish to do so. Since the software can use facts and figures to predict outcomes with a greater degree of accuracy than any human mind ever could, take advantage of that and use the auto function to make money.

source : readbud.com

Eat Raw - Feel Better , Look Younger

Raw foodism is a current that is is gaining more and more followers. And don't think this is just another passing trend launched by some sort of celebrity. Raw food has been around forever.

Raw foods represent unaltered, natural sources for nutrients that our body needs in order to function properly. You might wonder why raw food is better than modern , processed food. Well , it's because the food we are used to nowadays contains not only the nutrients our body needs in order to keep us going trough the day but also a lot of harmful chemicals that poison us little by little , every day. It's these chemicals that give us horrible diseases like cancer , diabetes , metabolic disorder and many others .

Over the course of human evolution , humans have functioned on raw , unprocessed foods and we managed to evolve to the stage we find ourselves in today. But unfortunately , we seem to forget that our bodies are not meant to run on chemical and fast food . Plant based foods are packed with nutrients and are perfectly balanced .

A raw food diet is also ideal if you want to lose weight because it gives you nothing more than your body needs - no excess fat , no excess sugar , no harmful cholesterol. Just check out this guy . He lost 200 lbs on a raw food diet and now he has turned into a convinced raw foodist. And trust me , there's more benefits to raw foodism than just weight loss. Just try it and you will feel and look much better , you will live longer and you will be more active. That is the real healing power of nature.

source : readbud.com

Eat Raw - Feel Better , Look Younger

Raw foodism is a current that is is gaining more and more followers. And don't think this is just another passing trend launched by some sort of celebrity. Raw food has been around forever.

Raw foods represent unaltered, natural sources for nutrients that our body needs in order to function properly. You might wonder why raw food is better than modern , processed food. Well , it's because the food we are used to nowadays contains not only the nutrients our body needs in order to keep us going trough the day but also a lot of harmful chemicals that poison us little by little , every day. It's these chemicals that give us horrible diseases like cancer , diabetes , metabolic disorder and many others .

Over the course of human evolution , humans have functioned on raw , unprocessed foods and we managed to evolve to the stage we find ourselves in today. But unfortunately , we seem to forget that our bodies are not meant to run on chemical and fast food . Plant based foods are packed with nutrients and are perfectly balanced .

A raw food diet is also ideal if you want to lose weight because it gives you nothing more than your body needs - no excess fat , no excess sugar , no harmful cholesterol. Just check out this guy . He lost 200 lbs on a raw food diet and now he has turned into a convinced raw foodist. And trust me , there's more benefits to raw foodism than just weight loss. Just try it and you will feel and look much better , you will live longer and you will be more active. That is the real healing power of nature.