If you have more credit cards than
you know how to manage, you
may feel like your only option is
bankruptcy. One thing you might
consider before filing for
bankruptcy, is whether debt
settlement is a good option for you.
So, you may wonder why credit
card companies are willing to
accept less than what they are
owed. The reason is that they may
see that you are in financial trouble
and could eventually file for
bankruptcy. Most companies are
willing to accept a settlement on
your account if you call and make
an offer. They understand that it
would be better for them to collect
a lump sum payment from you
rather than let you file for
bankruptcy and never collect at all.
Credit cards are unsecured debt, so
if a person files for bankruptcy, the
credit card debt is erased and credit
card companies have no chance of
Credit card debt settlement can be
beneficial to a person who has
fallen behind and feels that they
will never be able to pay the debt
off. Settling debt will stop harassing
collection calls. This will give you
peace of mind. You can begin
rebuilding your credit. While debt
settlement does hurt your credit
score, it is a much better
alternative than filing for
bankruptcy. Secured credit cards
are a great way to reestablish
credit. You will then need to make
wiser credit choices than you
previously had. The key point is
that with credit card debt
settlement, you are not necessarily
starting from scratch. You have
credit history and have shown a
willingness to settle your debts.
Although there are benefits to
credit card debt settlement, there
are also negative effects as well.
Your credit file will reflect that your
account was settled for less than
the full balance owed. Future
creditors may look at this and be
reluctant to extend credit to you as
they may also have to settle a
debt with you in the future. So,
debt settlement can lead to making
it harder for you to obtain credit in
the future.
You need to consider very carefully
whether this is the best choice for
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