Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

make a use of vitamin b12

Make A Use Of Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is one of the eight
vitamins in the B complex. The
human body assimilates it from
dairy products, eggs and meat, and
there are few vegetable food
sources for it. Scientists report that
some seaweed and an alga like
spirulina contain very high amounts
of this nutrition element.
What it serves for!
Vitamin B12 has a major function in
the red blood cells production and
the maintenance of the nervous
system. This vitamine contributes
to the rapid cellular division and the
synthesis of DNA. Children and
adults depend on it for good health.
As for the aid it provides to the
nervous system, it helps to the
metabolism of fatty acids, which
play a crucial role to the
maintenance of myelin.
Vitamin B12 deficiency
The body can store small amounts
of this vitaminic element, most of it
in the liver. The bile excretes and
reabsorbs it into a circuit that is
known as enterohepatic circulation.
If you don't get enough of this
vitaminic element from your diet,
you are likely to develop anemia
or neurological problems, although
problems can appear within twenty
years from the switch to a B12-
deficient diet.
Deficiencies are more common with
vegans and vegetarians and
symptoms may include anemia
with excessive tiredness, poor
immune function, pallor, menstrual
disorders and breathlessness.
Prolonged deficiency of vitamin
B12 can also lead to permanent
neurological damage.
Balance your diet!
Meat, eggs and dairy products are
the most important sources of B12
vitamin. Nevertheless, mention
must be made that yogurt
fermentation or milk boiling could
destroy this vitamin. As for
vegetable sources, there is not
sufficient data to support the use of
spirulina as a dietary supplement to
compensate for this vitaminic
element diet deficiency.
There are studies that suggest that
spirulina contains B12 analogues,
which are compounds with a similar
structure to B12. Scientists do not
know whether these analogues are
good or bad, but there are chances
for these substances to compete
with the real vitamin B12 and
actually inhibit its metabolism. This
means that on the long run, a B12
vegetal supplement could do more
harm than good.
Special mentions!
Nutritionists have reached a
consensus that no vegetal sources
for vitamin B12 are reliable, and
therefore vegans and vegetarians
are advised to consume foods
fortified with it. Fortification applies
to yeast extracts, soya milks,
breakfast cereals, vegetable and
sunflower margarines.
Pregnant women do not have
special needs for vitamin B12, while
nursing mothers require a higher
daily intake because of the
lactation. There is no toxicity
associated with higher vitaminic
element intakes.

personality disorders

Personality disorders are chronic
patterns of behavior that cause
lasting problems with work and
relationships. Paranoid personality
disorder can result from negative
childhood experiences fostered by
a threatening domestic
atmosphere. Narcissistic personality
disorder may be an infantile,
defensive personality structure in
response to abuse and trauma,
usually developing in early
childhood or early adolescence.
Childhood developmental factors
and parenting behaviors that may
contribute to the disorder:
Narcissistic personality disorder,
which is less common than other
personality disorders, is estimated
to affect less than 1 percent of the
general population. Narcissistic
personality disorder may be a
maladaptive defense of the abused
child's or adolescent's emotional
splitting, resultant cognitive
distortions, and negative/hostile
Causes of Paranoid Personality
DisorderParanoid Personality
Disorder, paranoid personality
disorder symptoms, paranoid
personality disorder causes,
personality disorder paranoid,
schizoid personality disorder
Common Causes and Risk factors of
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Genetic contribution.
If you are in a relationship with a
person that exhibits some of these
symptoms, it is important to
remember that there is help
available. In a relationship, people
with pathological jealousy in
paranoid personality disorder will
often accuse their significant other
of cheating or other suspicious
activity. The accusations can be set
off by the smallest event or it can
be totally unprovoked. When this
happens, it is vital to consider the
fact that this condition is something
that affects the brain and might not
necessarily represent that person's
true identity.
Most people with this illness have
periodic episodes, called relapses,
when their symptoms surface.
Many individuals with
schizoaffective disorder are
originally diagnosed with manic
depression. Schizoaffective disorder
is more common in women than in
men. Men with schizoaffective
disorder tend to exhibit antisocial
traits and behavior in contrast to
other personality traits. In addition,
the age of onset is later for women
than for men, and the exact
etiology and epidemiology is
unclear because of limited research
in this area. Estimates of the
prevalence of schizoaffective
disorder vary widely, but
schizoaffective manic patients
appear to comprise 3-5% of
psychiatric admissions to typical
clinical centers.
Symptoms of paranoid personality
disorders include:
'¢ Emotional detachment;
'¢ Feelings of anger toward others;
'¢ Believing that people are trying
to harm you in some way;
Most personality disordered people
are prone to be angry. Their anger
is always sudden, raging,
frightening and without an
apparent provocation by an
outside agent. It would seem that
people suffering from personality
disorders are in a CONSTANT state
of anger, which is effectively
suppressed most of the time. It
manifests itself only when the
person's defences are down,
incapacitated, or adversely
affected by circumstances, inner or
We have pointed at the
psychodynamic source of this
permanent, bottled-up anger,
elsewhere in this book. In a
nutshell, the patient was, usually,
unable to express anger and direct
it at "forbidden" targets in his early,
formative years (his parents, in
most cases). The anger, however,
was a justified reaction to abuses
and mistreatment. The patient was,
therefore, left to nurture a sense of
profound injustice and frustrated
Family therapy can significantly
decrease relapse rates for the
schizoaffective family member. In
high-stress families, schizophenic
patients given standard aftercare
relapse 50-60% of the time in the
first year out of hospital.
Supportive family therapy can
reduce this relapse rate to below 10

What You Need To Know AboutDebt Settlement

If you have more credit cards than
you know how to manage, you
may feel like your only option is
bankruptcy. One thing you might
consider before filing for
bankruptcy, is whether debt
settlement is a good option for you.
So, you may wonder why credit
card companies are willing to
accept less than what they are
owed. The reason is that they may
see that you are in financial trouble
and could eventually file for
bankruptcy. Most companies are
willing to accept a settlement on
your account if you call and make
an offer. They understand that it
would be better for them to collect
a lump sum payment from you
rather than let you file for
bankruptcy and never collect at all.
Credit cards are unsecured debt, so
if a person files for bankruptcy, the
credit card debt is erased and credit
card companies have no chance of
Credit card debt settlement can be
beneficial to a person who has
fallen behind and feels that they
will never be able to pay the debt
off. Settling debt will stop harassing
collection calls. This will give you
peace of mind. You can begin
rebuilding your credit. While debt
settlement does hurt your credit
score, it is a much better
alternative than filing for
bankruptcy. Secured credit cards
are a great way to reestablish
credit. You will then need to make
wiser credit choices than you
previously had. The key point is
that with credit card debt
settlement, you are not necessarily
starting from scratch. You have
credit history and have shown a
willingness to settle your debts.
Although there are benefits to
credit card debt settlement, there
are also negative effects as well.
Your credit file will reflect that your
account was settled for less than
the full balance owed. Future
creditors may look at this and be
reluctant to extend credit to you as
they may also have to settle a
debt with you in the future. So,
debt settlement can lead to making
it harder for you to obtain credit in
the future.
You need to consider very carefully
whether this is the best choice for

Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Fap Turbo Reviews: Fap Turbo Software Worth The Price?

FAP Turbo has earned a solid reputation as a forex robot choice for traders. Why? Because it has real, proven results from live accounts, a forum full of customer feedback and testimonials, and a user-friendly interface that is easy to learn even if you've never used forex robot software before. The question is, can a forex robot like FAP Turbo really help you, or is it not worth the price and hassle of learning the software?

If you are a serious forex trader and you own multiple accounts or find yourself spending several hours a day doing manual trades, FAP Turbo can be of help. This robot software essentially does all the trading for you once you set up the same parameters you use in your normal trading. FAP Turbo also includes demo account options that let you do test trades so you aren't initially risking any real money while you learn to use the robot.

FAP Turbo has a 95% accuracy rate, and the developers are continually tweaking and testing the software to improve it. This means that if you use a solid, proven trading strategy when you set up the robot for your trades, you stand a 95% chance of making money with it. The software itself is one of the most accurate robots on the market; however, it won't work if you don't use a good strategy. That's why it's important to know something about the forex market and good trading before you invest in it. Don't expect to just buy the software and make successful trades if you know nothing about forex trading. It's also a good idea to read a few unbiased FAP Turbo reviews before investing in the software to hear what other traders have experienced.

If you know nothing about forex but still want to develop an autopilot money-making system with it, FAP Turbo can help - but after you've taken the time to learn a little about forex trading. There are plenty of online forums and discussion groups that can teach you everything you know to trade effectively. Make sure you at least know a little about how the forex market works before you invest in any kind of robot software.

source : readbud.com

Three Things To Look For When Choosing Auto Forex Software

Both beginners and experts in the Forex market know that finding the best automated forex trading system is critically important to their long term success at a Forex trader. There is plenty of auto Forex software available, but it is not all created equal. Some programs are excellent, and some are worse than worthless. A bad program will lose you money and cause you great frustration. So you need to carefully choose a software program for your Forex trading that will make the best decisions and net you the most money in the long run. Here are three top tips on choosing your Forex software.

First, the program that you choose for your Forex trading robot should be accurate. Search for the best auto Forex system that has the highest rate of success. Choose one that is known to make predictions with the highest degree of accuracy. Also make sure that the software is updated regularly to take into account the ever changing market fluctuations. Some programs are updated never or rarely and some are updated daily! Especially if you are brand new or know you will never have time to tend to your trades, avoid software that will expect you to make the decisions or that will give you trading signals and expect you to manually make the trade. If you go the route of using a Forex robot, you want to be able to depend on it totally. That is the point, isn't it?

Next, the auto Forex software should be easy to use. Check out how simple the installation is, how long it takes, and how much interaction is required from you. Some programs boast they can be installed in less than five minutes! Never choose a program that is very complicated to install. That often means it won't be easy to maintain or troubleshoot either. Your software should be simple, easy to use, and should not require too much of a time investment. And every minute your system is down, is time it isn't making money for you. Time translates to money, and the point is to make money as fast as possible with as little time invested as possible.

Finally, be sure to take full advantage of the auto Forex software that you have purchased. You will need to spend a little time initially to understand and use all of its functions to increase your profit. The program that you select should allow for full auto trading. You can set your preferences, allow the auto trading to start, and you will never have to step in and make decisions unless you wish to do so. Since the software can use facts and figures to predict outcomes with a greater degree of accuracy than any human mind ever could, take advantage of that and use the auto function to make money.

source : readbud.com

Eat Raw - Feel Better , Look Younger

Raw foodism is a current that is is gaining more and more followers. And don't think this is just another passing trend launched by some sort of celebrity. Raw food has been around forever.

Raw foods represent unaltered, natural sources for nutrients that our body needs in order to function properly. You might wonder why raw food is better than modern , processed food. Well , it's because the food we are used to nowadays contains not only the nutrients our body needs in order to keep us going trough the day but also a lot of harmful chemicals that poison us little by little , every day. It's these chemicals that give us horrible diseases like cancer , diabetes , metabolic disorder and many others .

Over the course of human evolution , humans have functioned on raw , unprocessed foods and we managed to evolve to the stage we find ourselves in today. But unfortunately , we seem to forget that our bodies are not meant to run on chemical and fast food . Plant based foods are packed with nutrients and are perfectly balanced .

A raw food diet is also ideal if you want to lose weight because it gives you nothing more than your body needs - no excess fat , no excess sugar , no harmful cholesterol. Just check out this guy . He lost 200 lbs on a raw food diet and now he has turned into a convinced raw foodist. And trust me , there's more benefits to raw foodism than just weight loss. Just try it and you will feel and look much better , you will live longer and you will be more active. That is the real healing power of nature.

source : readbud.com

Eat Raw - Feel Better , Look Younger

Raw foodism is a current that is is gaining more and more followers. And don't think this is just another passing trend launched by some sort of celebrity. Raw food has been around forever.

Raw foods represent unaltered, natural sources for nutrients that our body needs in order to function properly. You might wonder why raw food is better than modern , processed food. Well , it's because the food we are used to nowadays contains not only the nutrients our body needs in order to keep us going trough the day but also a lot of harmful chemicals that poison us little by little , every day. It's these chemicals that give us horrible diseases like cancer , diabetes , metabolic disorder and many others .

Over the course of human evolution , humans have functioned on raw , unprocessed foods and we managed to evolve to the stage we find ourselves in today. But unfortunately , we seem to forget that our bodies are not meant to run on chemical and fast food . Plant based foods are packed with nutrients and are perfectly balanced .

A raw food diet is also ideal if you want to lose weight because it gives you nothing more than your body needs - no excess fat , no excess sugar , no harmful cholesterol. Just check out this guy . He lost 200 lbs on a raw food diet and now he has turned into a convinced raw foodist. And trust me , there's more benefits to raw foodism than just weight loss. Just try it and you will feel and look much better , you will live longer and you will be more active. That is the real healing power of nature.

Five Benefits People Get From Dental Restoration

Our teeth, which starts growing from the first year of birth, stops growing after a certain period of time and one has to live with that teeth till it lasts or falls down losing the strength as one gets older. In some extra-ordinary cases, accidents or other ailments might also result in tooth loss. Teeth play a vital role in a person's body as well as health, because without teeth one cannot chew and/or bite the food and pave way for better digestion in the stomach.

If the teeth or any one tooth in the mouth gets damaged due to tooth decay or some other problem, then a person, in normal circumstances, will not only be deprived of the benefits of the affected tooth, but also could suffer from the inconvenience caused by the problematic tooth.

But one need not worry about problem any further. Dental restoration is the ideal answer for such problems. Also called as dental filling, dental restoration is nothing but a treatment in which restorative material, such as silver amalgam, is used as a filling material to repair the damaged teeth.

Dental restoration can be done in two ways – direct restoration and indirect restoration. In direct restoration, filling material is used to prevent further damage to the affected tooth. The filling material used includes amalgam, composites, glass ionomers and resin ionomers. In this method, a soft filling of material is placed inside the affected tooth and allowed to settle permanently in the tooth.

Under indirect restoration, techniques such as crowns, inlays, onlays, bridges and dentures are applied to rectify the problems in teeth. In this method, a complicated method is followed wherein dental impressions are taken and customized treatment is given to provide permanent relief to the decayed tooth.

What are the benefits of dental restoration?

One resorts to artificial dental restoration or filling of material in the damaged part of the mouth.

1. By dental restoration, not only will a person get relief from the problems faced by him due to tooth decay, but also the spread of tooth decay to other parts of the mouth, if left unattended, is completely avoided.

2. As a corollary for the above-mentioned benefit, dental restoration helps in preserving and protecting the structure of the remaining teeth in the mouth, because the spread of decay or other problems have been arrested, as stated above.

3. Following dental restoration, the problems in chewing or eating that worried you before dental restoration will get eliminated and your teeth will function normally.

4. The problems you encountered with tooth decay, before dental restoration, especially with regard to oral hygiene, will be solved and this will lead to better oral hygiene care.

5. The most important benefit of dental restoration is that it will help restore the normal functioning of the teeth. The appearance of the teeth can be restored back to normalcy. Another important feature of dental restoration is that the life of the teeth after dental restoration will not be affected. Or, in other words, the life of teeth will be guaranteed post dental restoration.

How To Lose Weight Naturally For Your Wedding Ceremony

Wedding day weight loss can be a extremely challenging fete. It takes lots of patience, commitment, exercise, and change to achieve weight loss results. While it's not always easy, it's totally possible.

Your wedding day is such a special day. For most, it will be the most important event of their lives. Weddings are usually highly planned, greatly anticipated, and quite costly. From photographers to wedding gowns, there is so much to consider. But don\'t let all of the details keep you from looking the way that you want on your big day.

Here are a few simple steps to help you to lose weight before you say, "I do"...

Step 1

Plan to exercise. By incorporating some aerobic, anaerobic and strength training exercise into your life, you will be able to burn the calories off. Don\'t overdo it. Start slowly with shorter workouts at first, maybe even by sneaking exercise into your daily life, such as adding more walking and stair-climbing at first. Then, progress to longer and more body toning workouts. Exercise will not only help you to look good, you will feel good also. You should also consider working closely with a personal trainer that can tailor an effective program to your individual needs.

Step 2

Make sure to eat right. While this is usually easier said than done, eating right is a key to any kind of weight loss. You need to be sure to have a diet rich in lean protein, low-fat carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables. Contrary to popular belief, when you are trying to lose weight, you should eat smaller meals more frequently. Eating healthy foods, in smaller portions, more frequently throughout the day will help to increase your metabolism. When you increase your metabolism, you burn more calories faster. So, you lose weight.

Step 3

Be realistic about unwanted weight loss goals. When you get married, people are looking at you, the outside you, and the inside you. Your guests will probably be people which you have some type of relationship with and that are there to celebrate this fantastic occasion. They know that you aren't rail thin. Several may have watched you through the years. Proceeding from a size 20 to a size 4 wouldn't only be shocking for them, it could additionally take away from the importance of the day. Set a weight loss goal which will cause you to feel good about yourself whether or not everybody notices. You will know and your spouse-to-be will completely know.

source : readbud.com

How To Lose Weight Naturally For Your Wedding Ceremony

Wedding day weight loss can be a extremely challenging fete. It takes lots of patience, commitment, exercise, and change to achieve weight loss results. While it's not always easy, it's totally possible.

Your wedding day is such a special day. For most, it will be the most important event of their lives. Weddings are usually highly planned, greatly anticipated, and quite costly. From photographers to wedding gowns, there is so much to consider. But don\'t let all of the details keep you from looking the way that you want on your big day.

Here are a few simple steps to help you to lose weight before you say, "I do"...

Step 1

Plan to exercise. By incorporating some aerobic, anaerobic and strength training exercise into your life, you will be able to burn the calories off. Don\'t overdo it. Start slowly with shorter workouts at first, maybe even by sneaking exercise into your daily life, such as adding more walking and stair-climbing at first. Then, progress to longer and more body toning workouts. Exercise will not only help you to look good, you will feel good also. You should also consider working closely with a personal trainer that can tailor an effective program to your individual needs.

Step 2

Make sure to eat right. While this is usually easier said than done, eating right is a key to any kind of weight loss. You need to be sure to have a diet rich in lean protein, low-fat carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables. Contrary to popular belief, when you are trying to lose weight, you should eat smaller meals more frequently. Eating healthy foods, in smaller portions, more frequently throughout the day will help to increase your metabolism. When you increase your metabolism, you burn more calories faster. So, you lose weight.

Step 3

Be realistic about unwanted weight loss goals. When you get married, people are looking at you, the outside you, and the inside you. Your guests will probably be people which you have some type of relationship with and that are there to celebrate this fantastic occasion. They know that you aren't rail thin. Several may have watched you through the years. Proceeding from a size 20 to a size 4 wouldn't only be shocking for them, it could additionally take away from the importance of the day. Set a weight loss goal which will cause you to feel good about yourself whether or not everybody notices. You will know and your spouse-to-be will completely know.

Where To Find Affordable Health Insurance Quotes These days, everybody is looking to get affordable health insurance quotes. If you are responsible f

Where To Find Affordable Health Insurance Quotes

These days, everybody is looking to get affordable health insurance quotes. If you are responsible for buying your own insurance, or the insurance for your family, then you need to make sure that you shop around for the best coverage at the best price. You can get the most reasonable Florida health insurance rates when you go online. By going online, you can get instant quotes by visiting one website and discover the best deal when it comes to getting health insurance.

The Florida health insurance rates vary, depending on the type of coverage that is needed. The most affordable health insurance quotes will be for a policy that has a high deductible. Many people look for high deductible health insurance policies so that they are covered in case of an accident or some type of medical emergency that requires hospital care. This can be very expensive for any individual so it is wise to carry health insurance so that debt can be avoided.

Most of the Florida health insurance rates are based on the type of care you are looking for as well as the amount of coverage. Affordable health insurance quotes can determine the amount of coverage as well as the amount that you will have to pay each month for the coverage. '

Instead of waiting for the quotes to be delivered by email or fax, affordable health insurance quotes can be received instantly right online. Those who are looking for the quickest way to get Florida health insurance rates can use an online site that specializes in health insurance quotes. By providing a little bit of information, they can get the quotes on affordable health insurance plans for themselves and their families

By using the internet to take a look at Florida health insurance rates, you can save yourself a lot of time and make sure that you are getting the best and most affordable health insurance quotes. This enables you to make the best sound decision when it comes to getting health insurance for yourself or your family. The more you realize how different the quotes can be when it comes to Florida health insurance rate, the more you will see how important it is to shop around and get as many affordable health insurance quotes as you can so that you can be sure that you are getting the best insurance available.

Those who are looking for a way to find the best deal on health insurance can do so when they go online to take a look at Florida health insurance rates. This is the best way to find out exactly what type of coverage you can get as well as the premiums available when it comes to the coverage as well. Naturally, when you are looking for affordable health insurance quotes, you are going to want to get cheap premiums for health insurance but you should also take a look at the type of coverage that you are getting for your money and make sure that it is something that you want.

source : readbud.com

Forex Trading - Go For The Simpler Plans

Foreign exchange can be a very complicated business without knowing all the Forex trading strategies. it is not very easy to win in forex trading. There is always risk in forex trading. There is no system that can guarantee you hundred percent success . You have to know the hot trends and know what is not hot. This will determine the whether a trader will win or lose. The best way to learn Forex then you should consider a Forex course because they will provide you with unlimited support while your learning, so you get a total trading solution. try a good Forex trading course and see the potential money to be made, in the largest investment market on earth. They come with proven tools and strategies, as well as daily classrooms, so you can see the system in action and see how profitable it is. Forex trading educational courses come in a wide array of varieties. Check the reviews and ask others who have tried and used that particular courses. It is best to have a ready list of courses that are based on facts and research. Go for the simpler plans as it can make you easily understand everything about Forex trading. If you understand the above facts and learn currency trading the right way, there is nothing to stop you earning a great second income and enjoying currency trading success. Invest the amount that you can afford to lose only. Many people aim to buy low and sell high. But you never know what will happen to the market. It is better to have small daily income rather than lose big time. Study the strategy first before applying them to trade. But with the right Forex trading strategies you can dominate the market

Fast Weight Loss And Natural Treatment Of Weight Loss

Your weight is a complementary act, and calories are part of that equation.

Fad diets may promise you that including carbs or eating a ton of grapefruit will make the pound drop off.

But when it comes to weight loss, it's calories that count. Weight loss comes down to ablaze more calories that you take in.

You can do that by dipping extra calories from food and beverages and mounting calories burned from beginning to end physical activity.

Once you recognize that equation, you're ready to set your weight-loss goals and make a plan for attainment them.

Causes of Weight Loss

To establish the causes of weight loss in HIV seropositive individuals.

METHODS: Of 581 seropositive patients attending outpatients between June 1990 and June 1991 who had 4 separate weights recorded,

165 were randomly reviewed for potential causes of weight loss. RESULTS: 4 major groups of causes of weight loss were identified in the 48 patients who had lost more than 2kg in weight, confirmed on 2 separate occasions.

Drug related included voluntary cessation of therapy or drug reactions. Psycho-social included a major

Symptoms of Weight Loss

Weight loss late in the course of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) ailment is common and often multifactor.

Increased energy spending in answer to opportunistic illness, as well as to HIV infection itself, can lead to protein calorie underfeeding similar to that experiential in hunger.

1. usually known as dieter's breath
2. feeling hungry
3. hunger pains growl tummy

source : readbud.com

Selasa, 13 April 2010


Aku terbakar api, api yang panas tak bisa ku redam dalam air, apakah anda pernah mengalami kejadian seperti ini maka anda diharuskan untuk mengobati luka tersebut dengan sedikit air panas dan biarkan supaya melepuh dan terkelupas, atau periksalah dirumah sakit terjauh maka akan tambah sakit parahnya tebalik. Tjangan meniru adegan diatas maka akan celaka. Thanks.

Senin, 12 April 2010

aku ingin menjadi

kayaknya program realigi di rekayasa ya, apalagi adegan terlalu mencolok untuk memberi tahu para penonton bahwa itu hanya akal akalannya saja supaya banyak penontonnya. untuk itu kita perlu menjaga wawasan kita terhadap dunia agar kita tidak selalu di permainkan semoga saja program program acara di indonesia semakin sukses dan berjaya dari dalam maupun luar negeri. good luck.

Sabtu, 10 April 2010

ada ada saja

walaupun saya seseorang yang tidak percaya diri namun saya akan tetap berjuang demi nusa dan bangsa karena saya akan menjadi calon presiden kelak moga-moga. tahun ini saya masih sekolah smk di daerah jakarta, kita kan punya cita-cita tersendiri dan mestinya harus tercapai dengan segala kemampuan yang kita miliki maka dari itu sadarlah semua mulailah dari awal yang lebih baik. thanks god bless.

ada ada saja

walaupun saya seseorang yang tidak percaya diri namun saya akan tetap berjuang demi nusa dan bangsa karena saya akan menjadi calon presiden kelak moga-moga. tahun ini saya masih sekolah smk di daerah jakarta, kita kan punya cita-cita tersendiri dan mestinya harus tercapai dengan segala kemampuan yang kita miliki maka dari itu sadarlah semua mulailah dari awal yang lebih baik. thanks god bless.

Jumat, 09 April 2010


aku lelah aku lemas aku kaku aku lapar kurang makan kurang tidur. susah banget ya tidur bisa komentarin ga gimana cara tidur yang nyenyak. tips ini juga berlaku untuk yang insomnia.


coba kita bayangin lagi makan sate, toge goreng, bakso, nasi goreng ayam, beeh mantap bener apalagi kalo ditambahin jus buah tambah susu muantab! tapi kini ku tak punya duit untuk membelinya adakah seseorang yang akan memberiku uang kirim ke sini jika anda berniat gunerzy@gmail.com okelah kalau begitu. thanks for you

Minggu, 04 April 2010


banyak band baru yang bermunculan dan meluncurkan album mereka, tapi kenapa orang memilih jadi penyanyi ya? apa karena kerjaannya gampang tinggal nyanyi, mungkin suatu hiburan yang sangat diminati bagi setiap orang. band dari indonesia yang sudah merapak dimana-mana misalnya band yang terkenal saat ini seperti : dmassiv, ungu, peterpan, armada, the changcuters, gruvi, triad, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. dan yang senior seperti kahitna. thanx.

Sabtu, 03 April 2010


mungkin teman-teman mempunyai angan yang tak tercapai, tapi janganlah menyerah untuk meraihnya karena jika kita memikirkannya saja maka kegagalanlah yang akan menghantui kita. berusahalah semaksimal mungkin hingga mendapatkan apa yang kita mau, seperti saya yang mempunyai angan yaitu menjadi kepala negara atau presiden, mungkin harus mengeluarkan kemampuan yang begitu keras dan juga modal yang wow besarnya ya a a a a a a!

hampa hati

ku telah lama merindukan angan, namun sesuatu hal kecil membuatku terpencil, mungkinkah ku sadari itu semuanya nyata, tapi keteguhan diri membuatku menjadi berguna dan ku tak kan menyerah tuk meraihnya. from ghughun

Jumat, 02 April 2010

banjir mania

sekarang adalah bulan januari-februari ini menandakan musim hujan yang berpotensi lebat serta angin kencang, seluruh warga indonesia harus bersiap-siap menghadapi banjir dari hujan ataupun air kiriman dari sungai yang sudah tidak terbendung
alias siaga 1. terutama warga jakarta yang tiap tahun pasti banjir. maka bersyukurlah kepada allah swt. banjir tidak menggenangi wilayah kita. semoga tetap dilindunganNya

ada-ada saja

sekarang ini kita memasuki era globalisasi yaitu banyak orang mempergunakan media komunikasi sebagai kebutuhan sehari-hari, tapi di indonesia malah terbalik harusnya lebih modern jadi jadul yaitu banyak para pejabat negara yang harusnya memberi contoh yang baik tetapi korupsi dimana-mana, bahkan indonesia merupakan negara terkorup seasia. bagaimana ini apa kata dunia?

Kamis, 01 April 2010

mohon ampun

sekarang adalah hari jumat sebagamana mestinya kita wajib sholat jumat, tapi kita ini hanyalah manusia biasa yang lepas dari kesalahan. sholat itu bermanfaat unt
uk kita semua coba kita sehabis sholat pasti enakan ya karena sholat menjauhkan kita dari perbuatan munkar dan keji, semoga saja kita semua berada dalam naungan Allah swt. amiiiin! ya robbal'alamin

hantu setan

holla, my name is gugun im still high school, saya akan menulis apapun yang bermanfaat, ini adalah blog saya yang baru padahal dulu saya udah punya blog tapi udah expired alias tereliminasi oleh waktu itu karena saya jarang nengok blognya. doakan ya semoga blog ini berhasil dan bermanfaat bagi semuanya! cayoo